Business Intelligence in a Broader Perspective

Buzzword or a Real Term Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Data Science, Advanced Analytics, Dashboarding and many more. These are all terms that we encounter more and more often in the business and not only business environment. However, few of those who use these terms can meaningfully explain them. If we try to findContinue reading “Business Intelligence in a Broader Perspective”

Metadata – Key to the Data

Originally, I wanted to write directly about Metadata Management Solution and just briefly mention the definition of metadata. While writing, however, I realized that the concept of metadata is not as straightforward as it may seem at first glance, and its clarification deserves a separate post. What are Metadata? Metadata are data about data. DataContinue reading “Metadata – Key to the Data”

Data – Why We Need Them

Data are useless, or rather data itself are useless to a person. The comparison “Data is today’s oil” is quite apt. The tempting thing about oil is that it can be used for many purposes—for example, to power cars. What would oil be for, though, if there were no industrial processes for its manufacturing orContinue reading “Data – Why We Need Them”